Effective May 11, 2023: Oregon’s public health officials have lifted several COVID-19 response measures as the federal emergency ends. Learn more about the latest changes here.
Resources for people with disabilities
OHSU has compiled a list of COVID-19 related resources for people living with disabilities, including webinars, general information, videos, and links to state and federal resources.
Oregon Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (ODHHS) tips for communicating while wearing face coverings
ODHHS tips for Deaf people seeking medical care during COVID-19
ODHHS checklist for Deaf people when creating a hospital “go bag"
NW Disability Support (NWDSA/ABI) offers COVID-19 support for people living with disabilities. They provide both English and Spanish services. For accessible resources and materials, training, general information and links to state and federal resources visit their website here.
To reach NW Disability Support by phone, call:
503-238-0522 (English support)
S503-262-4029 (Spanish support)